Ubuntu 5.10 (aka Breezy Badger)

Yup, now I am posting from Ubuntu 5.10. Well its not the first time I m on a LInux (read as GNU/Linux) system but i m excited jst bcoz my ISP Pacenet doesnt support Linux and I had to try a few hacks. Finally, I have done it!

For the last few weeks I have been using Linux systems extensively and thus i went this extra mile in getting it done.

Anyone requiring support for Pacenet on linux now know where you can find it!

oki... bbye

well now trying

$ sudo apt-get install GRE-Wordlist <-| LoL... (guess wat does the above command do? )

5 Replies to “Ubuntu 5.10 (aka Breezy Badger)”

  1. Heh, I fell for it:

    barkha@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install GRE-Wordlist
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree… Done
    E: Couldn’t find package GRE-Wordlist

    Heh. Blame it on the exam tension.

  2. suprisingly never tried IRC… bt no hindrances abt it.

    hahahaha……… LoL still cant believe tat u tried…! cute though!

  3. I’m using pacenet with a 48 kbps pack. I have the breezy badger installed. Am planning to move to dapper drake. Would love to get the linux box connected through pacenet. Can you help me out? My id is rvbhute AT gmail DOT com.

  4. HI,
    Okay, you might have totally lost the context of this post. But google led me here, so I’m just trying my luck.
    I’m one of those (un)fortunate ones who has a Pacenet through my cable operator. And my cable operator is completely not complying when I ask him to help me setup the Internet on my Ubuntu box.
    I’d be glad if you could share your knowledge. 🙂

    the details are as follows:
    * Ubuntu 6.10
    * rp-pppoe installed
    * able to ‘connect’ to the net, ifconfig ppp0 gives me proper details
    * **don’t know what to provide in the ethernet (eth0) config, as of now i’ve selected dhcp**


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