3 events that i was looking forward to...
3rd in Paper Presentation (Web2.0: A Paradigm Shift)
(not sure how many understood... neways wud like to giv it another try again someplace. was 3rd by a narow margin of 0.333)
3rd in Software Presentation (Qikblogger)
(my mistake didnt explain it well... esp that it allows 2 way communication which lagged in the one which came second. also sud get the hang of explainging things in the most complicated way to make them sound magnamus. was just a point behind the leader... it was a tie for the first place)
3rd in Web Designing (Delta Airways)
(was highest considering the scores given by 3 judges individually bt then when the points were averaged of all the four judges i was third (hpw u realize who the spoilsport was)... wat a surprise!!! itz now i realize the power of averaging)
i did participate... something which is very important[very few realize this]...( sounds lik a looser!!! đŸ˜‰ bt then itz the way i see things ... itz the way is persist.... itz the way i njoy things tooo...