rEaLiTy cHeCk

1st Week
Time: 95 mins
Distance: 26km

Ran as much as I could and then walking for sometime and then again running for as long as I could. Started the week with around 10 min jogs which were followed by 5 to 7 min ones. I realized I wasted a lot of time just walking and taking a break from jogging which I felt I need to change.

2nd Week
Time: 190 mins
Distance: 37 km

Considerably doubled my timing but not the distance as I slowed down my pace. Also, I decided to run continuously rather than take breaks in between. I (and even the pros) now feel that I over-worked myslef. Should have rested my body a little more and given it time to adjust. Realized a few cool things though like 'finally its a mind game' and 'pain is just a sensation... (credit: Vipassana)' which one can easily happen to ignore after sometime. This is what I trained my mind to believe and this week being one of the highlights of the training schedule.

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