FiRsT rECiPe oN < mY bLOg >

You read it right... My FiRsT rECiPe oN <> ! This was about to come for me being a complete foodie.

"Andeka Funda" -- the perfect half boil

I remember eating a half boil when I was small. My dad would make it for me. That was years ago and after many unsucessfull attempts I have finally again got ir right. Let me share the recipe wid u all

Ingredients: Egg, turmeric and salt (to taste)

Procedure: Put the egg in warm water and keep the utensil on the stove. Just when it is about to boil switch of the stove and keep the egg in the water for 30 seconds. Now place the egg in cool water for a few seconds so that you can handle it. Now catch the egg with its base (the flatter side) on the top. Just rupture the shell big enough so that you can get a spoon in. Now put turmeric and salt through the hole, mix it up and njoy it.

Signs that you have got it all right : A very thin white part which looks cooked (lik a boiled egg) and the yellow part just tickled by the flame.

Cooking is fun as long as I dont have to do it everyday [hats off to all moms]... lol

signing off !

2 Replies to “FiRsT rECiPe oN < mY bLOg >”

  1. hey i never knew half boil needed such accuracy… i always thought u just boil it… no matter how u do it… aaj tak itne bure bhi nahi bane mere se… well ill try out ur recipe tomo mornin.. 😛 lol… lets c the difference….
    oops.. forgot to introduce.. hi.. i m priya.. u can chk out my msn space to knw more…

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